About Us
Who we are
Making waves
outside the box
in the 412 Lakes Area
Project 412 was created with the dream of making Detroit Lakes and the surrounding 412 Lakes Area an even better community by making waves and thinking outside the box with amazing ideas.
We know communities thrive when they invest in themselves and are always striving, innovating, and taking risks to become better.In Detroit Lakes, we’ve witnessed the magic that occurs when a community comes together to build something extraordinary. Our community has done this many times before with the City Beach, Detroit Lakes Community and Cultural Center, Detroit Mountain, the Ice Palace, and improvements in our schools, medical facilities, and downtown. Each of these projects made Detroit Lakes a better place.
Project 412 was created to jumpstart more of these positive changes.
Founded on the belief that Detroit Lakes hasn’t reached its full potential, Project 412 is enthusiastic about the future of Detroit Lakes. We believe by connecting people, ideas, and resources, we can become a better, stronger, and more vibrant year-round community. Our goal is to help Detroit Lakes, and the surrounding 412 lakes area become the best place for each of us.
Our Name

Our Logo
The shapes:
Blue waves: represent lake water as it moves and “making waves” with new ideas that create excitement and growth in our communities
Box shape with the open side: represents thinking “outside the box” with new ideas (the waves).
Making waves outside the box in the 412 Lakes Area.

In our initial planning meeting for Project 412, someone dropped a game-changing mantra: ‘Do Cool Sh$t as long as we can.’ That vibe struck a chord, becoming our North Star and fueling our direction.
Let’s push the limits, try new things, and make “Doing Cool Stuff” a daily mission, elevating not just our lives but the community around us.
Building a better life here
Vision & Focus
in Detroit Lakes,
Project 412 connects passion to potential and paves the path to reality.
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Focus Areas
2. Nurturing New & Existing Business
Do Cool Stuff
Let's work together to Do Cool Stuff!
#Project412 #DCS
Approach & Values
Project 412’s work will be guided by the following values.
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Imagine. Inspire. Connect
Focus Areas
Our goal is to help Detroit Lakes become the best place to visit, live, work, start and grow a business, and raise a family.
Project 412 is investing in these two areas:
Creating Places & Events that Inspire
The most vibrant communities create a sense of place that inspires and is welcoming and memorable.
Detroit Lakes is competing with communities around the country and world to attract visitors, workers, and residents.
Creating a place that people want to be is critical, and we have the opportunity to invest in Detroit Lakes as a place by investing in public art, recreation, and events and experiences.
Nurturing New & Existing Businesses
Detroit Lakes is home to many wonderful businesses. As a tourist destination, DL is primed for additional new businesses that cater to visitors and locals alike.
From unique restaurants and retail shops to food trucks, rock climbing gyms, and art galleries, there are so many opportunities to create businesses that give our community character.
We can create an environment that supports our current businesses and encourages entrepreneurs to start-up businesses that will make Detroit Lakes even more unique and memorable.