Call for Art

Two Calls for Art!

The Detroit Lakes Arts & Culture Commission (DLACC), Detroit Lakes Public Utilities, and Project 412
have plans for the two projects cited below!

Minnesota State Fair inspired

Call for Art #1 —
Art on a Stick!

The Detroit Lakes Arts & Culture Commission (DLACC) and Project 412 have opened a Call to Art for their “Art on a Stick” project.

We are celebrating that art can be found EVERYWHERE – even on sticks!

The deadline for Requests for Proposal • Art On A Stick • submissions was June 15, 2024

If you submitted a Request for Proposal  for Art on a Stick, thank you! 
You will be notified about your request in July.

Call for Art • Art on a Stick 2024
Call for Art Power Box Project 2024
Energizing the area with color

Call for Art #2 —
Power Box Wraps

The Detroit Lakes Public Utilities (PUC), Detroit Lakes Arts & Culture Commission (DLACC) and Project 412 have opened a Call to Art for their “2024 Power Box Wrap” project.

We want to see even more, colorful art on utility boxes throughout the City. Note: This project includes a $400 Artist stipend!

The deadline for Requests for Proposal • Power Box Art Wrap • submissions was June 15, 2024

If you submitted a Request for Proposal for a Power Box Art Wrap, thank you! You will be notified about your request in July.