Becker County Fair
“Best” Contest

Becker County Fair “Best” Contest is where and when community members can spotlight and compete with their favorite recipes!

In Partnership with

Becker County Fair logo

In 2023, Project 412 and the Becker County Fair thought it would be fun to partner and sponsor a food contest open to the community and held during the fair. Special thanks to Karla Lindquist and Mary Ann Jorgenson for making the contest possible!

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Contest was held during the Becker County Fair on July 27th, 2023, and 53 contestants entered it.

Contestants prepared chocolate chip cookies (6 on a paper plate) and a typed recipe and brought both to the Open Class Exhibit Building at the Becker County Fairgrounds on Thursday 7/27.

Grand prizes were $100 + gifts/ribbons. Winners were announced that day at 1:30 pm.
View the gallery below to view photos of the contest and the winning recipes!

PRIZES were sponsored by Project 412:

  • 1st Place Grand Prize: $100, champion ribbon, and commemorative gift
  • 2nd place: $50, ribbon, and commemorative gift
  • 3rd place: $25, ribbon, and commemorative gift

WINNERS of 2023 Becker County Fair Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Contest:

  • 1st Place Grand Prize: Alysha Baer
  • 2nd place: DeeAnn Pease
  • 3rd place: Gary Hager

Coming in 2024:
Salsa Contest

2024 Becker County Fair Best Salsa Contest • Medium and Hot Categories

Save the date and your salsa! The 2024 Becker County Fair Salsa Contest will be fierce!
Does yours have what it takes to win the grand prize of $100, a commemorative gift, and epic bragging rights?

There will be two categories: hot and medium. See the rules below to find out more!
Follow our Facebook page to get more details as the contest nears!

2023 Gallery

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