The Golden Rabbit

Beware traveler - In this area the Golden Rabbit has been seen recently.
Ever hungry for more, and ready to persuade others to buy, use and consume,
he might just do the same to you!

Alexa's Elixir should work against the Golden Rabbit - But she might need one last ingredient, a gift from you!

Can you go the whole day without buying something new?

Location & Parking

It’s still a secret where the Golden Rabbit is located! To find the Rabbit, complete all the riddles, decode the symbols, and put into the troll alphabet to find the word that will give you a clue on the Page 4 map of the story as to how to find the Rabbit.

Help us respect the privacy and rights of property owners in the area.

Please do not go into unmarked and private property when searching.
Observe all posted direction and no trespassing signage. Thank you!

Short on time?
Here's our hint!

Detroit Mountain
Recreational Center
29409 170th St
Detroit Lakes, MN 56501

We encourage parking near the Tubing Lodge ➝ Look for the cluster of birdhouses to begin your trek.


Please help us protect The Golden Rabbit by visiting during daylight hours, adhering to posted signage and staying on marked trails.


This is a difficult sculpture to find because first you need to solve the riddles and then you need to walk to the Rabbit. The trail to the Rabbit is only about ½ mile from a parking lot, but you will need to go through woods, over hills, through dales (no rivers or Grandma’s house – only if you get off trail!) to find the secret Rabbit and solve the riddle!

Challenge Level: Difficult


Secret public restrooms are available, but we can't tell you where they are.

The Golden Rabbit Sponsors

Presented by
BTD Manufacturing
Otter Tail Corporation Foundation

Additional sponsorship and project support from: Arvig, Frank & Barb Foltz, Fritz/Lundmark Family, Herzog/Hvidston Families, Herzog Roofing, Ken & Helen Foltz, Lakeshirts, Midwest Bank, Scott & Susan Busker Family, and SJE Foundation.


Find the Trolls in DL and other trolls in the world!

Note: this link will take you away from this Trolls in DL page on the Project 412 website.